Recent Projects

Our staff brings extensive expertise to projects

Our expert staff, with hundreds of years of experience, has provided numerous best-in-class maintenance project work.

We have worked with companies of all sizes in the upstream and downstream petrochemical industry worldwide.

Following are some of our most recent projects.

Planner Training

Presented Advanced planner training courses for petrochemical/refining and exploration companies

  • Nigeria production and drilling
  • U.S. onshore and offshore exploration and production
  • Alaska planner consolidation

Maintenance Technician Training Systems

  • Designed technical specifications for an oil & water separator system
  • Created technical specifications for a level control training system.

Safety, Health, and Environmental

  • Created OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) course
  • Developed Permit manual 
  • Created an Incident Investigation course

Technology Advising

  • Designed & developed Advanced training center for instrument technicians, electricians, machinists, and analyzer technicians
  • Recruited instructors for college program
  • Customized maintenance technician courses